キCucircaサ Download Torrent Forrest Gump

creator: Eric Roth, Winston Groom
genres: Romance
liked It: 1720036 Vote
Star: Gary Sinise
Ratings: 9,6 / 10




Barbecue me and you stanky panky pew pew pew wasn’t hilly jilly or pa it was a French fried Cajun named delacroix.
Jenny in the water reuniting with Forrest, and George and Lorraines first kiss in BTTF are the most beautiful things ever put on film. Robert Zemeckis is a genius.
The only good thing to come out of the 90′ favorite movie. after the 90’s, it all went we are stuck in this bullshit politically correct era. the 3 best decades ever… 50’s 60’s 70’s.

What if theres an alternate universe where where BUBBA lives? What if

Watching this video made me realize there’s a significance onto why Jenny always told Forrest to run when he’s in trouble. I always thought that was a reflection on Forrest, turns out it might be more on Jenny’s after all, and very little on his character.
1:21 Forrest Gump already did the Get Out challenge😂.

One of the greatest movies ever created

Was wonderful except for titanic over-music

OMG I’ve been searching to this soundtrack since I was kid now I finally found it.
Time for me to sit here and listen this man slaughter my childhood.
Forest gump: drinks Dr Pepper CinemaSins:”also Dr Pepper” puts one sin.
I hope they never do a remake of this, it would be an insult to to a great film and one of the US’s greatest actors.
I haved loved just a few but never been loved bach like this.
Tom Hank’s is awesome. One of my favorite actors. Truly a class act.
Lt. Dan, you got new legs! i never thanked you for saving my life He didn’t say it but I think Lt. Dan finally made peace with god.
Poignant, moving, funny, visually stunning, awesome soundtrack. As the for the acting, it’s absolutely first rate. Hanks excels and the supporting line up are fabulous too. Deserved every award it was nominated for and won, including its 6 Oscars. Utter class.

This is my all time favorite movie, since the first time I saw it! before I saw this movie, people were telling me stuff like “this is a very serious movie. this movie is all about life, you have to pay close attention to every word the characters said while watching it. etc.
Well, so far I’ve seen this movie about 5 times. Since the first time I saw this movie in high school, I don’t really see how serious this story ever gets (except for some of the really touching scenes, if you wanna call it “serious. To me, this story is extremely entertaining, extremely! I can’t stop laughing from the beginning till about the last 20 minutes (and the part where Forrest’s mom died) then I want to cry.
My feeling is that. a lot of people are stretching it too hard to make it a serious, meaningful, deeply insightful movie. It doesn’t have to be (although it can be in some ways. Forrest Gump can just be a movie of enjoyment. Take a break, watch this movie; and take it easy while watching it, not every movie has to teach a lesson even when other people told you so. This is the most entertaining movie you’ll find out there if you are not spending all your time trying to squeeze out a profound meaning out of everything in this movie.

I want to see someone run into Tom Hanks somewhere and yell Andy’s coming.
One of my favorite actors and now he’s positive with corona virus 😥☹.
Theres a reason this is my favorite movie of all time And for my dad is the original Overboard movie and is why he has no taste in film.
It had been a little while since I watched Forrest Gump and it wasn’t but a few minutes before everything I loved about it came flooding back and by the time the credits rolled and I had dried my tears I realized that I think this is quite possibly the best film ever made. It may be my favourite movie of all time and for good reason because it is stone cold brilliant in every way and deserved everything from awards to box office glory that it received. Previously I have stated that JFK is my favourite film and in a complete league of it’s own and now I state that Forrest Gump belongs in that category of elite films. The story is infamous and brilliant and touching and disturbing and covers every aspect of genre you can think of. The cast is absolutely brilliant. The direction is stunning and the special effects are unlike anything you will ever see. Director Robert Zemeckis is a brilliant director and has directed his way through many of my personal all time favourites including the Back To The Future Trilogy, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and What Lies Beneath. The thing about his story telling is that it’s completely unique, there is something completely and utterly different about his films and Forrest Gump is truly the pinnacle of that talent. He seems to know his cast and surrounds himself with the best performances possible.
Tom Hanks is a brilliant actor, there is no doubt about it. But he gives the absolute performance of his career as Forrest Gump, a man who is not quite as smart as the average person and yet pure of heart and indeed in many ways smarter than all of us. Hanks makes this character his own, no one could ever play Gump. His tone and body language and everything just embodies the character and it is one of the best performances in film history. Robin Wright Penn plays Forrest’s true love and the romance is far beyond just your average romance. Penn is good although I’m not sure she lives up to the rest of the cast. She does do a great job at being versatile and playing her character through the decades and through the different situations in history from Southern girl to Hippie to mother. The chemistry between her and Hanks is undeniable mostly because of the story that makes their love so important to Gump. Gary Sinise is undeniably amazing in his role as Lt Dan Taylor. I don’t know who got the Academy Award that year in the category he was nominated for but he was robbed! His performance is ground breaking and creates one of the best characters in film history. Him and Hanks are just incredible together. Mykelti Williamson, in a bit of a smaller role, is also brilliant as Bubba, Forrest’s best good friend in the army. His character is short lived but pivotal and he does an amazing job. I wish I could cover the rest of this amazing cast which includes Sally Field in an amazing role as Forrest’s mama. This cast is truly one of the best ever period.
What else can I say about Forrest Gump? Beautiful romance, action, drama, laughing, crying, life and death, I mean there isn’t anything this movie doesn’t give you. It’s just this brilliant epic journey that just makes you appreciate life and tells history from a completely different perspective. I’ve seen this film many, many times and yet for the last half hour of the movie I sat there and watched it bawling my eyes out. It isn’t many movies that ever make me cry and it is even less that a movie I have seen so many times can do that. If you haven’t seen Forrest Gump you’re missing out on a film experience unlike any other and an absolute classic the minute it was released. I understand they are looking at turning the second novel, a sequel, into a film and because I want to revisit these characters I would love a chance to see it but I don’t think it could ever live up to this original classic and if the entire original cast including director Robert Zemeckis won’t do ‘T DO this movie now or again. 10+ 10.

Went from 0 to 60 in less than two seconds.


Ha, I just noticed the lamp’s shaking in the window.
Jenny for the entirety of the movie: i love u forrest but im gonna go away for 10 yrs bc i can jenny when she has cancer: i love u forrest and now that i have the most uncureable disease known to mankind ill finally move in with u.



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